The Future of Customer Experience

Build assistants loved by customers, with the framework loved by conversational teams.
With Rasa, all teams can create personalized, automated interactions with customers at scale.

Rasa is the essential platform for creating
superior customer experiences

Rasa provides the infrastructure & tools necessary for building the very best assistants - ones that meaningfully transform how customers communicate with businesses.

Provide flexible conversational AI for building text and voice-based assistants that are used by developers, conversational teams, and enterprises.

Build assistants loved by customers, with the framework loved by conversational teams

State-of-the-art NLU research

  • Industry-leading, in-house machine learning research

  • Understand messages, classify intents, capture context

  • Support for multiple languages

  • Open-source framework

  • 50+ million downloads since launch

  • Production-tested and transparent

  • First-class developer experience

  • Customizable infrastructure

  • Less time working around limitations, more time providing value features

  • Modular, extensible architecture

  • Powerful built-in custom integrations

  • AI assistants that put customer privacy first

    Keep user conversations completely confidential, and protect your IP. Rasa allows you to run your assistant's operations on your own infrastructure, without sending customer messages to a hosted, third party service for processing.


    Impressive work
    Nothing else matters
    Impressive work
    Nothing else matters

    Deploy on-premises or on your own private cloud

    Rasa deploys on your own infrastructure, in even the strictest enterprise IT environments. Flexible architecture that lets you control access to data.

    Own your training data and models

    Your training data is a valuable asset, unique to your customers and your brand. With Rasa, your data is never shared, and you have full control over your models.

    Impressive work
    Nothing else matters
    “Our team loves working on the Rasa platform. The flexibility has produced many creative ideas, and we already have teams outside of the Care department that want to use our virtual assistant.”
    Lindsey McCarthy

    Senior Technology Product Manager, AI @ T-Mobile

    “We built our assistant using Rasa - which was the only solution and fit for us at Lemonade. Using Rasa's machine learning framework, we're able to hire smart humans who create real impact while automating everything else.”
    Nathaniel Kohn

    Data Science Lead @ Lemonade

    Best-in-class Conversational AI

    In this tailored demo, Rasa engineers walk through platform capabilities and solutions to showcase the value that Rasa can bring to your organization.

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